Directional Signs Technical Information

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Directional Signs and Usage

Emergency guidance is designed in such a way that when an emergency occurs, a person or people in any part of the building will leave the building in the shortest way and in the fastest way or reach a safe place. Escape scenarios are prepared according to the architectural project of the building, and after the exit containers are determined according to this scenario, the required number of emergency directional fixtures are placed according to the visible distance of the luminaires. While designing, the criteria of the emergency direction luminaires are determined and placement is made by selecting the directional luminaires with external or internal lighting that meet these criteria.

Features to be present in the Routing Signs

1. Guidance signs should consist of white text and signs on a green background.

2. At any point above the sign, the luminous intensity should not be less than 2 cd / m and half of the desired value should be provided within 5 seconds and all within 50 seconds.

3. The ratio between the minimum and maximum illumination intensity of the sections of the same color should not be less than 1/10. The intensity of illumination between the white and green sections should not be less than 1 and not more than 1/15.

4. sign height should be at least 150 mm.

Directional Signs Maximum Visibility Distance Calculation

The maximum visibility distance for internally illuminated directional luminaires is calculated by multiplying the sign height by the 200 coefficient. The maximum visibility distance of externally illuminated directional luminaires is calculated by multiplying 100 times.